Equality is not only a right, it's also an obligation.

Equality is not only a right, it's also an obligation.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Possibilities for a QS

View Queer State in a larger map

The map above is a plausible map of what a Queer State (QS) may look like. I know that there are terrible wars and conflicts fought over territory, historical boundaries, etc. so I propose that we create our own "land"--an aquatic land.

It is possible for a community in a geographical society in international waters to become a state of its own. It needs to meet certain requirements, but why couldn't the LGBT society be able to do so? We could have floating/underwater biospheres or platforms that could connect together to expand and be anchored to the seabed to be considered territory that can be claimed.

We could expand our territory by connecting more platforms or underwater biospheres together or by anchoring them relatively close to each other as to create an artificial archipelago. The form of government will be discussed later and the platforms/underwater biospheres as well, but for now. I'd like to expound on why I chose the region I did and the sea I did.

The Arafura Sea is a relatively shallow sea in a tropical region of the planet. It is located in international waters  and would allow for easier anchoring and territory expansion. It is also located between two large nations--Australia and Indonesia as well East Temor and Papua New Guinea. There would be chances for economic development with these neighboring countries.

There are large potential conflicts that could arise because of potential oil fields that would be taken away from such countries and conservative/religious views by the neighboring nations. I feel it would be a large obstacle, but surmountable.

The yellow boarder is a possible first territorial boundary and the yellow pins are smaller, single Underwater Biospheres (UwB)/Platforms (Pf). The yellow pins with the black dot in the center would be a cluster of UwBs/Pfs. They would be considered "city states" and the single UwBs/Pfs would be "territories".

The red-ish colored pins are future territorial expansion UwBs/Pfs and the red-ish boarder would be a possible expanded territorial boarder.

This style of life would be markedly different from that which we have now and would take an effort to get used to, but it is possible. It would also be an opportunity for us to live in entirely green and sustainable ways. It would be a way for us as a people to not only be an example for the people in our community in other lands, but also for the other communities that share those lands. It could be a green, sustainable template for future communities.

In the next few days, I'll be talking a little more about the political systems, the economical models and biospheres themselves and how they may be able to function in our new QS.


kimberly said...

This reminds me of that group from Australia that did something similar, except your plan sounds way cooler by making it green living and using the underwater biospheres :-) I still wish the LGBT community could be a part of the regular world, but I do hope there can be something like you suggest made for in the meantime. It's sad it has to take so long and that there are still so many countries that are WAY behind others in the movement. It would be wonderful if people had a place to escape to and live a joyful life while the world catches up with what is right. Seriously, if you ever create this I SO want a guest pass even though I'm straight because it sounds downright awesome. :-)

Unknown said...

Hey where's the QN Facebook group I can "like"? :)